Secure Infrastructure funds and
complete your projects
Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), provides approximately $1.2 trillion in funds. It represents an estimated $550 billion in new spending above baseline levels, while the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) represents $373 billion in financial incentives for clean energy and climate action.

Prioritize your infrastructure projects and seize this once in a generation funding opportunity.

GZA understands the technical and administrative support needs of the funding and financing methods available, including grants from federal, state, and private foundations, as well as municipal finance methods such as State Revolving Funds (SRF), stormwater utility fees, Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and bonding. These finance tools address:

After matching funding sources, our team can assist you with project scoping, cost estimating, and preparing grant applications.

A Breakdown on Funding

$1.21 trillion will be spent over an 8 year period. 
BUILD.GOV for additional information


Grant Funding Best Practices

3 Step Grant Funding Process_Final

Project Highlights


 Water Resources

 PFAS Remediation

 Renewable Energy

 Real Estate




Ports/Waterfront Structures

State Funding Resources


Federal Funding

Resource Center


Visit GZA Website


Funding Support

Bjarngard, Anders-2017

Anders Bjarngard, P.E.

Cobleigh, Wayne-GZA

Wayne Cobleigh, CPSM


Rania Campbell-Bussiere
Senior Grant Specialist

Project Support

Kwiatkowski, Terese-2013

Terese Kwiatkowski, P.E.

Gary McAllister

Gary McAllister, P.E.


Chad Cox, P.E.
Dams and Water Resources

Desrosiers, Richard-2019-1

Richard Desrosiers, P.G.,



James Emery, P.G. 
Water Supply


Adam Henry, P.G., LEP
Real Estate / Brownfields

Fiscaletti, Dino-2013

Dino D. Fiscaletti, P.E., D.PE
Ports/Waterfront Structures

Resource Center

BUILD.GOV Main Resource:
USDOT Funding Summary:
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Dashboard | US Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration IIJA/BIL Website:

BUILD.GOV State Fact Sheets:
IIJA Resource by State:
• CT DEEP Urban & Community Forestry Planning Grant
• CT DEEP Forest Equity Grant

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island


Inflation Reduction Act:,inflation%20and%20reducing%20the%20deficit.


American Clean Power IRA Summary:

Energy Opportunities for Connecticut Municipalities in the Inflation Reduction Act:

PowerPoint Presentation (

Voters on November 8 authorized the New York State to issue $4.2 billion in bonds to finance projects for climate-mitigation, flood-risk reduction, water infrastructure, land conservation and recreation.

Little noted in news coverage is the multiplier effect of the state's funding:  proceeds from the state's bonds can qualify as the non-federal match for federally funded projects, thereby expanding the value of grants from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Inflation Reduction Act and other federal programs.

New York Proposal 1, Environmental Bond Measure (2022) - Ballotpedia

Member and Partner Announcements:

Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program (CWIFP) is a Federal loan program administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers that provides low-cost, long-term loans for maintaining, upgrading, and repairing dams for non-Federal borrowers. Current appropriations enable the CWIFP to provide up to $7.5B+ in loans for maintaining, upgrading, and repairing dams for any non-Federal borrowers. The program is open to projects or bundles of projects that have a total cost of $20M or more.

Climate Center Coastal Resilience IIJA Funding Resource

The Impact of Inflation Reduction Act on EV Charging

Green Infrastructure Funding Microsite
The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) launched a new funding microsite for communities interested in pursuing federal funding and/or technical assistance for nature-based solutions and green infrastructure projects. The interactive database allows users to search and sort the more than 70 types of federal grants that fund nature-based solutions based on factors such as eligible recipients, project purpose, and the match required. It also provides information about the typical application cycles, and contact information for each program. Access the database here

New Roadmap to Accelerate Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Progress and Equity
The Whitehouse released a Roadmap and over 100 federal informational resources to scale-up nature-based solutions to address climate change, nature loss and inequity. The reports, announced in November during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Egypt, respond to a call from President Biden earlier this year to identify opportunities to expand the use of nature-based solutions across the federal government. Learn more here

New Hampshire approves $18.6M to improve water quality
Learn more here

The Funders Network and the Urban Sustainability Directors Network are partnering with the Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange to support communities in the U.S. that are seeking to grow green stormwater infrastructure programs, to support outreach efforts and to participate in reviewing stormwater infrastructure project proposals.  The organizations are offering one-to-one matching awards to provide partnership investments between $45,000 and $150,000 for one-year projects, or between $75,000 and $180,000 for two-year projects, with one or more local foundations required to provide at least a 50% matching grant.  Proposal submission deadline:  Monday, February 27.

Mainers' Guide to Climate Incentives outline
Learn more here

PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program:

Funding Announcement
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving
Transportation (PROTECT) Program

Application Checklist

FHWA website

NOAA Announces $2.6 Billion in IRA Funding
Read more here

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $575 Million for Coastal and Great Lakes Climate Resilience 
Read more here

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $30 Million for Great Lakes Projects in Underserved Communities
Read more here

Biden-Harris Administration announces $2.6 billion framework through Investing in America agenda to protect coastal communities and restore marine resources
Read more here

FEMA Advisory: DHS Announces Funding Allocations for Fiscal Year 2023 Preparedness Grants (July 21,2023)
Read more here

NOAA currently has SEVEN open funding opportunities related to coastal and/or climate resilience:

NOAA 2023 Inflation Reduction Act Climate Ready Workforce for Coastal States, Tribes, and Territories Competition

NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge

NOAA CZM Habitat Protection and Restoration BIL Competition

NOAA NERRS Habitat Protection and Restoration BIL Competition

NOAA Ocean-Based Climate Resilience Accelerators

NOAA Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal

NOAA Restoring Tribal Priority Fish Passage through Barrier Removal


New and Improved CZM Grant Viewer
The CZM Grant Viewer has been updated and redesigned to improve search capabilities, streamline information, and add data, links to reports, and more.

Grant Proposal Development Resources
Grant Proposal Development Resources - This quick reference guide provides resources to find, prepare, and submit federal grant applications.

Urban Ocean Lab issues guide to federal climate funds
Urban Ocean Lab has published a guidebook to 28 federal programs that can help urban areas address climate change.  Ocean Climate Funding for Coastal Cities describes nine programs for coastal resilience and disaster risk reduction, 10 programs for climate-ready coastal infrastructure, six programs for coastal ecosystems and three programs for a blue economy and workforce.

FEMA Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund Program, Fiscal Year 2023 Selections made to DC, LA, MD, MI, NJ, NY, SC, VA
Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund Program Fiscal Year 2023 Selections | - States that have received funding to date are Michigan, New Jersey and New York.

Funding Database
Funding Database

LIS Resilience Resource Hub
LIS Resilience Resource Hub